Your Biodigester septic tank construction firm

tonitotec biodigester septic tank construction in bondo kisumu

“Tonitotec biodigester septic tanks are constructed out of reinforced concrete.”

—Anthony Machina

Are you currently building and looking for a professional team to build for you a biodigester septica system? Tonitotec has been in business since 2012. We have installed working systems all over Kenya. Our systems are not exhausted,do not smell, are environmentally friendly and come with 5 years written warranty. Forget substandard quality and come directly to us(experts)

sizes of our biodigesters

We have different sizes of biodigester septic tanks depending on the number of users.Cost of biodigester septic tanks depend on location,number of users, number of systems a client needs at a time, type of soil and depth of drain field.

tonitotec team constructing biodigester
ridgeways kenya

Standard domestic bio

1 to 20 users

jumbo tonitotec biodigester septic tank
tonitotec biodigester constructed in mathioya

Jumbo biodigester

1 to 100 continuous users

tonitotec jumbo deluxe bio
tonitotec biodigester construction in gitugi girls high school

Jumbo deluxe biodigester

1 to 300 continuous users

tonitotec super jumbo biodigester septic tank
tonitotec super jumbo constructed for a girls school in muranga

Super Jumbo biodigester

1 to 1500 users continuously

What People Say

“We engaged Anthony and his team for our church project in Limuru Town, and it was simply incredible. They took care of everything, even our drainage works was done by his team. Thank you!”

— Bishop James- Bible Harvest Chapel- Limuru town


Last-Minute Offers

Take advantage of our last-minute offer and start preparing for completing your individual dwelling home.

DetailsFamilia BioStandard bioEnterprise BioDetails
Number of users8 people20 peopleMax. 50 peopleFull Details
Biodigester septica and grease trap cost80,000 ksh86,000 ksh130,oooo kshFull Details
Excavations and drain field construction25,000 ksh35,000 ksh60,000 kshFull Details
Total costs105,000 ksh121,000 ksh190,000 kshFull Details
Tonitotec biodigester septic tank system price list

Exclusive Offer

Get 10% Off
your first 6 systems

Building a gated community estate call us for a site visit and receive an exclusive offer.